sito e app

Tools for the promotion of cycling tourism

BikeSquare has developed the CyclomApp platform, an innovative tool useful for increasing the cycling attractiveness of territories. CyclomApp is composed of a website, smartphone application and advanced communication services. These are tools developed on OpenSource technologies and provide effective support fpr promoting cycling tourism both in tourist and urban areas or in larger geographical areas such as regions.

Possible uses of BikeSquare CyclomApp

ebike rental portal

Ebike rental and experiences portal

regional portals

Regional and itinerary portals

bikePlan mobility for the town

Bike Plan

whitelabel portals

Portali whitelabel

BikeSquare CyclomApp for your project?

Do you represent a public authority or an organisation and you wish to launch cycling tourism projects?
You think it could be interesting to develop CyclomApp for your project.


The BikeSquare Platform displays APIs that allow integration with other systems.